Łowienie na zamarzniętym fiordzie to nic nowego w Norwegii. Należy tylko pamiętać, że nie wszędzie fiordy zamarzają z uwagi na ciepły prąd morski. Natomiast samo łowienie zimą różni się od tego latem, że nie wypływamy łodzią a idziemy po lodzie i wiercimy dziurę. Ponieważ będziemy łowić duże ryby więc i sprzęt taki sam jak latem, mocna wędka i konkretne pilkery. A pod nami w zależności od fiordu od 20 do 200 metrów głębokości.
Ice fishing on fiord is typical for Norway. You need to remember not every fiord freezes because of warm atlantic tide but winter fishing doesnt differ much from summer, the only difference is you do not use a boat but we walk and drill a hole in the ice. Because we will catch big fish you need to use the smae equipment as in summer that a strong rod and below us there is a depth from 20 to 200 meters.
Ice fishing on fiord is typical for Norway. You need to remember not every fiord freezes because of warm atlantic tide but winter fishing doesnt differ much from summer, the only difference is you do not use a boat but we walk and drill a hole in the ice. Because we will catch big fish you need to use the smae equipment as in summer that a strong rod and below us there is a depth from 20 to 200 meters.
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